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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
King Oct 2018

King Oct 2018

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” (Psalm 103:1).

Dearest friends and supporters,

This past month has been full of questions, uncertainties, doubts, and fears. The last days and weeks before departure were full of second thoughts, analysis, and reevaluation. Every day, even up to the last day before departure, was full of packing, speaking engagements, presenting, goodbyes, and many prayers. Even so, the Lord is good and his steadfast love endures forever. My flights went smoothly, all of my bags made it safely and undamaged, and I am now in Rafiki Village Kenya preparing to take on my role as Music Dean and Music Coordinator. Praise the Lord for his goodness and mercy!


Upon arriving in at the Village, I received a warm welcome from my new team and the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) students. The RICE students greeted me with a beautiful welcome song in Kiswahili. I was filled with joy at their singing. I am excited to begin working with them. My first days are primarily being used to organize and set up my new residence, to recover from jetlag, and become oriented to the Village but I am looking forward to beginning work soon.


On my third day, I was given the honor of performing the Kenyan National Anthem on violin at assembly. After the playing of the National Anthem, I was interviewed by a member of the journalism club. He conducted the interview very well and it was an excellent way for me to be introduced to the students. 

There is a lot to learn and adjustments to be made but thank you so much for your prayers and support. I could not have gotten to Nairobi without you. I thank God for providing me with such a strong support team in the States. Your love and your prayers provide strength and encouragement to me. May the Lord bless you and I look forward to sharing news of the ministry, as well as updates on my journey, with you.

Prayer Requests:

Praise for a wonderful team of missionaries here in Nairobi.

Adjusting to life and routine at the Village.

Smooth processing with Immigration Services.

Settling in to a new home.

Developing new friendships and becoming part of a new community.