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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
King Dec 2018

King Dec 2018

Let your reasonableness be made known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:5-7).

Best wishes to you and your family during this holiday season! Praise God for a joyful time of year set aside to reflect on the precious gift we have received in Jesus Christ, and rejoice in God’s great love for us. It is so easy to get caught up in routine and forget to cherish the most precious moments. As I look back over the past year, I am reminded of many precious moments and stand in awe of God’s sovereignty.

Bevin, a long-time staff member at Rafiki Village Kenya

What a gift it is to be serving in Nairobi, Kenya. At the beginning of the year I never would have imagined that Kenya would be my future home. My dreams and my plans were very different, and yet here I am. God’s mercies are new every morning and His sustaining grace provides for my daily needs. The Lord knows what is best and He works out His will in each and every circumstance.

Joy-filled moments in the classroom remind me of why I am here serving in the capacity of music coordinator. My heart is made glad when I see the faces of my students brighten as they finally decode a challenging rhythm, when an abstract musical idea finally begins to make sense, or when I hear the jubilant commotion that occurs during a class dance session. Nothing compares to musical notes blending together to make melodious harmonies and the emotional expression that occurs once mechanics of the notes are mastered. I led some music classes over break and we put together a small concert in collaboration with student-led drama productions. It was a fun evening and a good opportunity for the students to perform.

Magi before King Herod

As we approach a new year, I consider the hopes and dreams that I have for this nation and the students that I am working with. I pray that God will continue to use the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) Program to spread knowledge of God’s Word and the many gifts He has given us throughout the nation of Kenya and across Africa. How I long to see a generation of strong musicians, teachers, theologians, and even composers rise up and lead here in Kenya for nothing is impossible with God.

As I become more familiar with my surroundings, I am becoming aware of the need for a vehicle. Living in a large city like Nairobi requires a lot of driving and in order to become more connected with the community, I need to purchase a car. Please pray for me as I make this commitment. It was not an easy decision but it was a necessary one. If you would like to give a special gift toward the purchase of a vehicle, it would help tremendously.

Graduation, class of 2018

Continue to pray for me as I make preparations to begin my first complete term in both the school and at RICE. I am still adjusting to life in Kenya but Rafiki Village Kenya is beginning to feel like home. This is my first Christmas season away from family but the Lord is good and He has provided good fellowship and a loving team here in Nairobi. My heart is filled with joy and I praise God that wherever the church is present, family is present as well. Thank you so much for your prayers. Your support and prayers provide strength and motivation to my spirit. May God bless you abundantly in His steadfast mercy and love.

My new home in Kenya

Prayer Requests:

• Continued spiritual growth as I serve.

• Praise for a strong, godly community.

• Cultivation of friendships and outreach.

• Wisdom and necessary funding for an automobile.

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