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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Hubbard Oct 2018

Hubbard Oct 2018

Dear Family and Friends, 

I am proud to be able to tell you that I have been commissioned by the Rafiki Foundation to go and serve as an Athletic Manager and Plant Manager at the Rafiki Village in Ghana. I am looking to depart in January 2019 and will be serving for at least two years. 

The Rafiki Foundation was founded in 1985 and has Villages in 10 different African countries (Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia). Rafiki’s mission is to train Africans to transform Africa for Christ through Bible Study, Education, Teacher Training, Orphan Care, and Widows Program. 

Rafiki is not new to me as I have gone on two short-term (3 weeks) trips to their villages in Zambia and Liberia with Managers On A Mission (MOAM). It was during these trips that the Lord began His work in me with regards missions. Over the past two years I have been feeling the call into the mission field. It was not until the past 6 months that I knew that this was what the Lord had for me to do and that it was with Rafiki. Since then I have gone through Survival Camp and completing training with Rafiki with coursework.

I am praying and asking for you to come alongside me through this journey. You can come alongside me in two ways, through financial support and prayer. Financially, you can give a one-time donation or by making a pledge to give monthly. 

You can give online at or mail a check (put Missionary #244 on the memo line) to PO Box 1988 Eustis, FL 32727. 

I ask that you pray that I have wisdom and strength during this journey. I ask that you pray for the logistics of planning and moving to Ghana.