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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Hubbard January 2021

It is hard to put into words what the past couple of years have been like. I have experienced joy and sadness, happiness, and pain. Through this all, the Lord has shown me that He is faithful.

As most of you know, I have answered the Lord’s call to join an organization called Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). This was not an easy decision. It is not easy for me to leave the kids, missionaries, staff, and friends here in Ghana. I am blessed that the Lord has allowed me to have friends and those I consider family in such a short period of time. It is easy for me to see Ghana as a second home. The people are extremely welcoming and hospitable. From the first day I arrived, they made me feel welcomed. They have spent time with me, teaching me their culture, and helping understand the history of the country. I am forever grateful for the time they all have spent with me.

Leaving these kids is the hardest part. I have grown to love them as my own. It is easy to do that. They are genuine and caring. One of the hardest things I have ever done was having to tell them that I was leaving. I will never forget them and pray that I am able to see them again.

I am grateful to all of those who have supported me through prayer and financially. I am able to serve those here because of your faithfulness in giving to the mission here.

The work that Rafiki is doing in Africa is very important. Because of this work, kids are able to receive an education that is grounded in truth; widows have means to support their families; and communities have access to God’s Word.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

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