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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Hubbard Feb 2019

I want to use this newsletter to help all of you understand why I am joining the mission field, and going to Ghana with Rafiki. It all started in October of 2013. I had always dreamed of working in athletics, it was what I have wanted to do as long as I can remember. I was an Assistant Equipment Manager with Mississippi State and had everything that I thought I always wanted, but something was off. I was becoming depressed. I cried out, “Jesus if you are really real like I am told, then you have to come save me because I cannot do this anymore!” Now some people have looked at me like I am crazy when I say this next sentence but it is true, I received peace immediately. The whole room just felt peaceful. The pain, the feeling of living in darkness, the feeling of being unloved, the feeling of despair was gone. I laid in my bed crying tears of joy because for the first time I felt whole.

As I began to develop a relationship with Christ, praying and studying His word, I read Matthew 28:19-20 for the first time. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This passage has stayed with me. Honestly, I took me some time before I fully understood what it meant. It started to become clearer when I went on a short-term mission trip with Managers on a Mission (MOAM) to the Rafiki Village in Zambia. Just being there and seeing the work that was being done with and for the kids was impactful. Also seeing what Rafiki was doing for widows and the community, I began praying about what I was seeing. When I returned to the U.S. after three weeks there, I knew that missions were important, but I thought, “but athletics is what my passion is so I just need to go on the short-term mission trips and all is good.” So that is what I did. I continued working at Mississippi State.

The next year I went to the Rafiki Village in Liberia with MOAM, but something was still off and I knew something was not sitting right. Soon after, a job with Adidas came open and I took it. I was excited to get it because I love the business side of sports. I thought this is what was missing. Not long after I started, I could tell that the same feeling I had at Mississippi State was still there, something was still off.

I began to pray about joining the mission field full time. I had a passion for missions and serving so I prayed to the Lord about the mission field. I prayed through this for almost two years before I knew that the mission field is where I was supposed to be. All of that lead to July of 2018, easily the most chaotic time in my life thus far. My mom had been having some health problems and we were not really sure what was going on. At the same time, I talked with Karen Elliott, the Executive Director of Rafiki, about partnering with Rafiki at one of their Villages. The next thing I know, I am in Eustis Florida for a three-week training session called Survival Camp.

I arrived at the Rafiki Home Office in Eustis the first of July. Not long after I got there, my dad called to tell me that Mom had an MRI done, and they found a mass on her brain. She had more tests preformed and that is when we learned that she had a brain tumor and pancreatic cancer. It was hard being in Florida for training while my mom and family were back in Mississippi dealing with this, but I trusted the Lord that I was where He wanted me. My family and everyone at Rafiki were supportive of my decision. Through Survival Camp, it became clear that Rafiki was the organization that I was to be a part of. It was a proud moment for me when I was commissioned by Rafiki at the end of my training. While I was at camp, I had this nagging feeling that I needed to resign from Adidas now instead of waiting until closer to my departure date. I knew I needed the paycheck, but something just felt like I needed to resign now instead of waiting. When I returned from the training, I turned in my two weeks notice. It was just a week after my last day at work, July 24, that my dad told me that they needed someone who could stay with Mom and take care of her during the daytime hours. The timing was perfect since I no longer had to work. I had missed so much time with my family over the past ten years working, that now I could step up to help take care of my mom, and that is what I did. It was the honor of my life to be able to be there for my mom when she needed it the most. It was devastating watching her suffer from the disease, but I was there. So many times over the past ten years I was not, I had put my job ahead of everything, and everyone else. Now, I was able to put my family before a job, or career. Mom passed away in October of 2018. My family was blessed to have an amazing support system with family, friends, our churches, and Rafiki with us each step of the way.

Since Mom’s passing in October, I have been working to build support for the mission that is ahead. I am working to depart in March for the Rafiki Village in Ghana. I will be working with the kids there in P.E., sports, and discipleship. I will also work with Village maintenance. I am currently meeting and talking with potential supporters, studying God’s Word, and serving in my local church (Pinelake), and community. I pray that funding will come quickly so I can join the field. I am currently working to raise funds to cover expenses for two years. I am also working to raise at least half of that by March. If you are already supporting me, I thank you.

Thank you for coming along side me for this mission. The Lord is doing amazing things in Africa through Rafiki and I cannot wait to get there and jump in. If you have not come along side me yet, I ask that you pray through the opportunity to support. I am in need of both financial and prayer support. You can read more about the work Rafiki is doing in Africa by visiting their website at

campusRafiki Ghana campus


The picture above is the last picture we have as a family before Mom passed. The back row left to right are: my brother Cliff and his wife Krystal, my other brother Lath, and myself. The front row is: my niece Millie, my mom Marilyn holding her dog Gracie, my dad James, and my nephew Macon.

My prayer requests are:

• Funding to come quickly so I can get out into the field.

• Logistics of planning and moving to Ghana.

• Working on my will/power of attorney/banking.

• Prayer for my family that is still adjusting after Mom’s death.

Please visit my page on the Rafiki website at for newsletters, prayer, and to donate.

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