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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Honegger January 2022

Since arriving at Rafiki Village Uganda almost one month ago, I have in some way participated in all five focus areas of Rafiki’s ministry in Africa.

Orphan Care

Rafiki Village Uganda has almost 70 residents, with all but one in grade 6 or higher! Many of the youth are responsible for taking care of rabbits, goats, and chickens as a way to learn life skills and contribute to the Village. I have been researching ways to improve the livestock programs, providing solutions to some animal care issues, and intend to do more training of the residents and caregivers in proper livestock husbandry. I have also attended cottage devotions a few times as I get to know the students and caregivers.

Goat kids with their human kid caretakers—Boaz, Jeremiah, and Timothy.

Teaching goat husbandry to Grade 6.


Schools in Uganda have been closed since March 2020—over 80 weeks! The Rafiki School has been doing academic enrichment programs during that time, including outreach to day students. I have been reviewing the math curriculum with the grade 6 class, and teaching them about goat husbandry which is part of their national science text. Additionally, I have been teaching literature to grade 4, all but one of whom are day students. Twice a week I am driven to the home of one of our day students. The class of 16 sits on a tarp over a dirt floor and eagerly participates in reading and discussing the virtues and vices of various characters. It is a new experience for me that gives me a glimpse into the lifestyle of the average student Rafiki ministers to, and I share in the children’s gratitude for all God provides.

Grade 4 literature classroom at a day student’s home, and me with some of the students.

Teacher Training College (RICE)

I have spent some time tutoring these college students particularly in writing research papers and literature analysis essays. I am glad I had recently studied A Midsummer Night’s Dream with my grade 9 language arts class in Ethiopia last semester, as I was familiar with the materials the RICE students were going through. It was also their first time learning how to cite sources on a works cited list.

Helping RICE students with their research papers.

Widow’s Products

Widows have recently made loom-woven shawls, beaded paper ornaments, knitted animals, and more. These products are ready to be sold at the Rafiki Exchange in Florida, but first they need to get there! I helped oversee the packing process, and Kelly Fore and I brought nine suitcases holding over 400 pounds of product to the U.S. when we visited our families for Christmas!

Packing some of the hundreds of Widow’s products.

A few of the products that will soon be available at the Rafiki Exchange!

Bible Study

Most important of Rafiki’s ministries is Bible study. Each weekday morning the different staff departments meet to read God’s Word. I have joined the teachers as we study the Book of Romans and helped to lead one of the junior/senior high Bible studies we have later in the morning. My favorite moments in Uganda so far have been seeing the youth participate in enthusiastic discussions about the meaning of Scripture and its application to their lives, and some students even asking me questions after school with eagerness to understand more.

Prayer Requests

  • for a rejuvenating time in the U.S.
  • that the situation in Ethiopia stabilizes, that true peace and reconciliation are pursued, and that I can return soon.
  • for peace, comfort, and joy, and that my trust in God will deepen and that I will wait in humble reliance on Him.
  • that I would serve well in Uganda to the glory of God.

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