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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Harbick Jun 2019

Harbick Jun 2019

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Dear friends and family,

Rafiki Village Nigeria is alive and well and so busy that I have neglected to keep you up to date on all that is happening. Let me catch you up!

The affiliation process with the University of Mkar for the RICE Program (Rafiki’s Teachers College) is moving ahead. We have sent the initial funds and paperwork on our students to the school. Pray that the University will have all that is needed to submit the papers to the Ministry of Education.

In April our second student from RICE completed the three-year course. Solomon is now working in the Rafiki School and helps with maths in RICE. Pray for Solomon as he puts into practice all that he has learned in RICE.

The Rafiki School is preparing to graduate the next nineteen students. They have been studying hard to master the exit exams from high school. They have taken the entrance test for university and all have qualified to go if they have the grades from the exit exams. We also have our first university students who will graduate this spring from Bingham University. It is hard to believe that four years have gone by. Please pray for the successful completion of all requirements for the three to graduate from University and for the thirteen still there and the eighteen who will start.

With the exit of resident children to higher education, we are in the process of remodeling our empty cottages into classrooms. One cottage holds two classes of nine three-to four-year-olds most adequately. Taking the walls out has opened a cottage to a very adequate kindergarten for eighteen five-year-olds and eventually for primary one to three. We have double streamed the preprimary classes and will in 2020 begin the year with two kindergarten classes! Can you imagine 108 children under the age of six!

Thank you for enabling me to be here and to be a part of God’s work in Nigeria!

P.S. How many children fit on a motorbike?

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