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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Fore Sep 2019

Dear family and friends,

There is a red dirt road that runs down the center of Rafiki Village Uganda. A lot of life converges on that road. I like to walk it at night, when all is quiet and the occasional lightning bug shines. Earlier this month the weather was too glorious to stay at my desk any longer and I went for a sunset walk. One of our resident students, Jesca, joined me. As we walked, Jesca read to me a testimony she recently shared in church. Listen in…

Jesca in 2006

“I live at Rafiki, where I have been for 16 years. I thank God for bringing me to this wonderful place. I am in 11th grade at the Rafiki School and I will be taking the national exams this year and pray that I will excel. Please pray for me as well.

I thank God for the great gift of life. I have been alive up to now because of His grace. I don’t take this gift for granted. I also thank God for the gift of education. I am provided an education at the Rafiki School and realize that many children do not have such a great privilege. I mostly thank God for blessing me with wonderful sponsors who send funds for my necessities, like education, health care and recreation.

I do not want to forget to thank God for bringing me to the Rafiki Foundation where I have been loved and cared for since the age of four. It is because of Rafiki that I am who I am today, and where I receive everything I need in life. I extend my greatest appreciation to the Rafiki Foundation.

Above all, I want to thank God for His greatest gift of salvation. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on June 6th, 2017. Though it hasn’t been a smooth journey, I have experienced the joy of Christ in my heart and I pray for Christ to continue to reign in my heart.

I am so thankful to God for giving me the blessings of life, education, wonderful sponsors, the Rafiki Foundation and the greatest gift of salvation. May the name of the Lord be praised forever.”

Jesca in 2019

Jesca has the biggest eyes that sparkle with hope—are you surprised? After she finished reading, I asked why she desired to share her testimony. She replied, “I thought about all that God has done for me and I could not keep quiet.”

May Jesca always be so compelled to proclaim the love of her Savior. He has cared for her needs through faithful supporters, and I join Jesca in thanking God and you.