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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Fore Oct 2018

“Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed”
(Psalms 34:5). 

Dear friends and family,

The sudden sparkle in students’ eyes when the wonder of what they are learning has enraptured them—this is what I live for as an educator. I witness it on the playground over a caterpillar, when a fourth grader is captivated by a timeline, and in the science lab as chemical reactions occur. 

Discovering God’s Creation

Kelly and kids
Wonder-filled PreprimaryStudents

I also witness it in the teachers. Our twenty-nine teachers are courageous souls: teaching classically, a unique methodology they have never experienced themselves. As their understanding and appreciation of Christian classical education deepens, they approach me with a familiar sparkle and share their wonder.

Tr. Aggrey was leading fifth grade in reciting an Emily Dickenson poem. He asked if I would come to class for a few weeks and help explain the meaning behind the poem. “Ms. Fore!” Tr. Aggrey stopped me as I exited the room after a final session. “I wanted to tell you how much I love poetry now! I had never really studied it in-depth. It is so rich and filled with hidden meaning and truth. I want to study more!” His face beamed. 

On a steamy afternoon, Tr. John Paul wearily walked into my office. It had been a long day, but as I inquired about his seventh-grade logic course, his eyes lit up. “Oh, it is such a valuable class. I wish I had learned this material when I was in school. The tools of logic would have helped me greatly in university and in young adulthood. The students don’t fully understand now how much they need this class—but they will!”

Teacher John Paul
Tr. John Paul and Students

Walking through the primary school’s corridor one Thursday afternoon, I could hear someone trying to catch up with me. I turned to see Tr. Susan. She smiles. “I just wanted to tell you how much the Rafiki Bible Study means to me. I have been attending church since childhood, but never studied the Bible this in-depth nor heard the gospel so clearly and powerfully proclaimed. The truth is setting me free. I am so grateful.” 

Tr. Keneth has a strong-willed eighth grade class, and one of his students has been especially stubborn. Tr. Kenneth and I were catching up one afternoon: “Ms. Fore, I need to tell you—Mike has changed so much. He now listens and accepts correction. He has even been coming to me seeking advice.” Rejoicing together I encouraged Keneth that his perseverance, consistent discipline, and many talks had softened Mike’s heart. With delight in his eyes Keneth replied, “Yes, and that is so different from how I used to discipline students before working at Rafiki. I am so glad to know this way that gets to the heart and builds character.”

I could tell you more! Stories of how the upper school teachers want to enroll themselves in our 11th grade theology course, how the preprimary teachers shine with joy as they teach music and how our 6th grade history teacher has discovered the power (and fun!) of reenactment. Christian classical education delivers the truth, beauty, and goodness of God’s world and Word to the mind, but also the heart. What is the result? Life, worship…and a little bit of sparkle in our students’ and teachers’ eyes.

To Him be the glory.