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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Eagleman Dec 2018

Eagleman Dec 2018

Over the past few months, we have been settling into our life with Asher in Liberia. The Rafiki kids love to spend time with him and play with him. It is such a joy to see how Asher can bring so many smiles to so many. We are so excited to celebrate the Christmas season this year because of the abundance of joy and hope the birth of Christ brings us. Although we will not have a white Christmas this year, we have been having fun creating our own Christmas traditions while in Liberia.


Here are a few highlights from the past few months:

• New team members: Hannah and Felipe Vogel joined us in Liberia.

• Bible study with our national staff, mothers, and fellow missionaries in the Book of 1 Thessalonians.

• The older girls learned how to make jewelry.

• All sixty-seven children got their teeth checked, only a few had cavities.

• Widows are making headbands and backpacks for the Rafiki Exchange.

• We decorated for Christmas in the dining hall.

• The children have been working hard in the garden with their mothers to harvest all kinds of wonderful produce.

• The school year will be coming to a close soon and hopefully we will have all of our children advance to the next grade level.

• Asher is sitting up, moving around, and grabbing EVERYTHING.

Our beautiful garden

There is a lot of good happening here at the Rafiki Village in Liberia. God is truly changing the hearts of His people in our community and it is an honor to be a part of and a witness to all of it.

mama sarah Mama Sarah and Asher

There are a lot of ways you can pray for us:

1. Endurance—when the days get long and terribly hot.

2. Discernment—when seeking God’s will in difficult decisions.

3. Unity within our missionary team.

4. New opportunities to share the hope Christ brings us.

Again, we are incredibly thankful for all of our friends and family who have loved and supported us as we continue to serve in Liberia.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.