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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Eagleman April 2021

We started January 2021 by studying the Book of Genesis, and we are slowly making our way through it. We have really enjoyed our time of study in Genesis. It is exciting to start at the beginning and understand God’s design, promises, and purpose for His creation. It truly has been a wonderful experience to study Genesis with our staff and children. We are often running over our set time for Bible study due to the extensive discussions and questions. Brittany has also been studying the topic of prayer with the mothers during their weekly meetings. The mothers will then carry the same topic/discussion into the cottage with the Rafiki children in the evenings at devotions. We want the mothers and children’s time together during devotions to be enriching and engaging to their hearts and minds, so that has been our focus over the past ten weeks. We also have several of our Rafiki children considering baptism.

In March, we had sixty of our kids go out and spend time with their extended family during the school break, whether an aunt, cousin, or grandparents. For any children at Rafiki who do not have family, we find a foster family for them to connect with and visit. Last year, visits were canceled due to COVID, so our kids were really itching to go this year. We have eight children who are too young to go out, but we still had fun going to the beach, playing kickball, planting flowers, adding to our playground, and going swimming in a pool for the first time.

Our children have also been going out every Friday to serve their local community. We have been tutoring and reading books at a neighboring school, painting, making encouraging signs to hang at the local hospital, and leading a chapel service at a local Christian school. This has been a wonderful experience for all, from our youngest child to our older kids. Our Rafiki boys have been very helpful with the maintenance projects around the compound. Most recently, they have been helping pour concrete for our new sidewalks around the school.

Our Rafiki boys reading books to a local school

Asher and I will be heading back to the States on May 28 before baby boy #2 is born. Jeremy will join us a month later after he attends Rafiki Enrichment Week at the Home Office in Florida. We will be in the States for a couple of months enjoying time with family and friends before we return to Liberia as a family of four. We are looking forward to a new season of transition—by adding a baby boy as well as a lack of sleep! We appreciate every one of you for praying and supporting us in Liberia. It is crazy that it has been six years since we left America for Liberia without having any idea of what God had in store for us.

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