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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Dafoe Jun 2019

Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well (Psalm 139:14).

Greetings partners in Kingdom building!

The months have flown by since I last communicated and much of life at Rafiki Village Zambia goes on as usual. However, there has also been much happening as the work of God is seen in every area of the Village. Truly, my soul knows very well, God’s works are wonderful!

If you have been wondering what is happening here in Zambia, let me highlight a few things. Overseeing the ChildCare Program is never dull. The challenges can be great, but the rewards are far greater. The seventy-five children whom God brought to be raised in this Village have changed from “my charges” to “my children”! I have watched and experienced them growing from lost little children into engaging, determined, purpose-driven young people. It is a great joy to see and hear them speak confidently and care about others and the world around them. A good number are seriously looking at completing their education at the Rafiki School and contemplating the next step. In recognition that they are almost ready to move on, the boys and girls were willing to give up their “baby toys” by sharing them with the new little ones who are coming to the Rafiki School from the community.

It was a special day when donations of trucks, puzzles, blocks, popping machines, and kitchen play sets were made to the preprimary classes at the Rafiki School.

The days are beautiful this time of year with crisp, bright mornings; comfortably warm days; and cool, clear nights. The grounds keeping and maintenance crews are constantly working to keep the compound looking like a beautiful park and the structures functioning well. It’s a lovely picture to see the children coming in for school in the morning.


As I am blessed in devotions with the national staff; the school children, teachers, and headmaster are standing and praying at morning assembly.

All in the Village have been studying Book Five of the Psalter in the Rafiki Bible Study for the last several months. By God’s grace and the enabling of the Holy Spirit, we are coming to a better understanding and knowledge of how great our God is and how to give Him honor, praise, and worship.

Will you continue to remember us in prayer:

That the above would be true of every person who is sitting under the reading and hearing of the Psalms.

• For our young people to hide God’s Word in their hearts to carry with them as they move on to the next step in their lives.

• That we would all recognize how God is keeping His promise to fulfill His purpose for each one of us (Psalm 138:8).

• That all of our orphans would be fully sponsored.

To learn more about how you can sponsor an orphan, visit Your support and prayer for me in this work is so greatly appreciated. Sometimes I have to pinch myself in order to know that God has really given me such a wonderful privilege of working, serving, leading for His glory and my enjoyment at Rafiki Village Zambia! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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