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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Dafoe February 2021

I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!” (Psalm 34:1-3).

Graduation choir

Hello beloved of the Father,

This is the Lord’s encouragement to us through the Psalmist! So, let us exalt His Name together, dear ones!

We are well on our way through the new year and it seems the challenges only continue, if not grow in number and intensity. However, amidst the challenges and even darkness, God is shining His light.

Rafiki School in Zambia and all in the Village were so excited, proud, and blessed to see the first graduating class walk across the stage and receive their diplomas on January 4.

New graduates Conrad and Miriam

After only a few short weeks, most of them began classes at African Christian University in Lusaka. You parents know all that is entailed in sending of a son or daughter to university. Imagine managing that for thirteen—whew! Look how serious they are about this new venture!

In the meantime, those of us who have been left behind in the Village are marching on with school, too. Though the government decided to delay schools opening, we have now been in full swing since February 1. Having seen their friends graduate and leave has put a new sense of reality in the children coming up the ranks!

With new beginnings after the upheaval of last year, we are thankful to have a fresh start with our study of God’s Word. The Rafiki Bible Study was written with two “Introduction” lessons. It has been very enlightening for all of us (three-year-olds to all adults in the Village) to think about these facts (from Lesson 1):

- God gave us the Bible because He wants us to know the truth about Himself.

- God gave us the Bible—so that we could think right thoughts about Him.

- God also gave us the Bible so we can know the plans He has for us.

- In the Bible, God teaches us what He is like and how to live lives that show others how very wonderful, kind, just, holy, and forgiving He is.

In Lesson 2: “What is the Bible About?”, we have learned that the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the unfolding story of God’s work of redemption! Jesus Christ accomplished God’s ultimate purpose of glorifying Himself in the redemption of sinners. The Bible is “all about” how He did it. Understanding, appreciating, and appropriating what Jesus has done to accomplish God’s plan and purpose to display His own glory in the redemption of sinners begins with a sketch of the whole story of Scripture. We had the joy of taking a look at that sketch and gaining a better understanding of what the Bible is about! In the coming weeks we will be diving into Genesis, adding detail, perspective, and color to the sketch.

Did you know the Rafiki Bible Study is available to you, too? Take a look at The study of His Word is the best antidote for these challenging times.

Will you pray with me:

- That our lives—the lives of those of us in Rafiki Village Zambia—will show others how very wonderful, kind, just, holy, and forgiving God is?

- That the children we have raised to know, love, and serve God, and have now gone on to university, will bring Him glory as they walk this new path?

- That as God accomplishes His plans and purposes through the current world situations—He would give us joy, perseverance, and love for one another.

Will you also rejoice with me for God’s plan to sustain me in this life for another year? I was blessed with so much love on my birthday this month! Hugs from these young ladies is a sample of love outpoured last week.

Birthday hug

With much appreciation for your love and support.

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