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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Cannon Feb 2019

Last summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend three weeks serving as a Short-Term Missionary through the Rafiki Foundation in Rwanda. The Rafiki Foundation has built Villages located in ten African countries with orphanages, schools, and teacher training colleges to serve the people there. “Rafiki” is a Swahili word that means friend. The Rafiki Training Villages perform two main functions. First, they provide living, medical, and education facilities for orphans and vulnerable children in ten of Africa’s most impoverished nations. Second, they train African church partners in education, help them improve their schools, and support their widows.

The work Rafiki is doing is incredible and filled with hope. As I taught weekly art lessons to the children in Rwanda, I was able to witness this firsthand. The children are full of joy, faith, and a hunger for learning. The need for quality education is great and the work that one person can do impacts so many children in meaningful ways. I believe that God is calling me to continue this work, and it is with great excitement that I share with you that I have been accepted to return to Africa to teach for one year!

Every school day starts with general assembly

Right now the plan is that I will be living and teaching in the Rafiki Village in Rwanda, although my assigned country could change to one of the other nine Rafiki Villages if the needs change. I am looking forward to building on the relationships that I formed last year with both the missionaries and the children that I met. Currently, the school in Rwanda does not have a trained art teacher and so unless that changes, it is a perfect match for me to go and fill that need. As of now, my planned departure date is at the end of July, and by God’s grace, I hope to serve in Rwanda for one year.

Rwanda campus

I am so impressed with the work that Rafiki is doing and am excited to join them in their mission. As I prepare for the trip overseas, I ask for your prayers for safety and for God to work in and through me. I also want to ask you to consider supporting me financially, as I am responsible for raising the funds to make this journey possible. Please prayerfully consider how you would be willing to support me during this trip—either through prayer, financial support, or both. All donations are tax-deductible

and directions for financial contributions can be found below. Thank you for partnering with me and supporting me as I prepare for this adventure! Please follow along on my missionary page as I write monthly updates on my experiences!

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