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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bronke Oct 2019

“Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7). 

Each morning before the workday begins, the Home Office Staff gathers together for a time of hymn singing, reading God’s Word, and praying. Often, as I sit in my seat praying with my coworkers, I think of how remarkable it is that I am a part of Rafiki’s work. I have been reminded that the Lord abundantly provides; He always works for the good of His people. 

In response to God’s great gifts—namely, His gift of salvation—we believers are required to obey with grateful hearts. The Home Office team just finished its study of Deuteronomy, and we have now begun studying Joshua. We read about both Moses’ leadership and God’s good pleasure to call Israel His people. The book of Joshua begins with beautiful statements of promise—the Lord tells Joshua that as he is careful to obey the law, He will be with him; he has no need to fear; he will be successful wherever he goes. The power of the Lord working through His people is a lasting encouragement. 

Each morning as I sit down to study the Bible with my coworkers, I am joined by every member—child, teacher, national worker, widow, and missionary—in each of Rafiki’s ten African Villages in studying the Bible. The Rafiki Bible Study has been edited for use by adults, teens, and young children. The primary goal of the foundation is for people to know God, and there is no greater way to Him than to read His Word, “[meditating] on it day and night” (Joshua 1:8). In each Rafiki Village, hundreds of students are being raised hearing, reading, and reflecting on God’s Word each day. They begin their day by aligning their hearts with the Scriptures. I can only imagine what a delight it is to hear the sound of a classroom full of young Rafiki students beginning their day by singing hymns in sweetly accented English or young Rafiki men and women discussing the ways they can apply biblical wisdom to their lives. 

One of my tasks as an employee is to update the Rafiki students’ biographies on the new website, and I have read hundreds of testimonials of how the daily Bible study has impacted the Rafiki children. Take James, a teen from The Rafiki Village Nigeria, as one example among many: James loves the psalms because they teach wisdom, patience, and peace. He wants nothing more than to know God more intimately and to study and understand Scripture better. Through studying the Bible each day at Rafiki, James and his classmates have the opportunity to grow strong, courageous, and faithful to the Lord like the biblical Joshua. 

James shortley after he came to Rafiki and James today

James shortly after he came to Rafiki and James today.

I pray that by the summer of 2020, I will be studying the Bible with the faculty, staff, and children in one of Rafiki’s ten Villages in person. Will you consider coming alongside me in prayer and support as I seek to know the Lord more, joining my brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa?

To donate online:

– Go to 

– Select “Support a Missionary” from the drop-down menu in the upper right. 

– Find my photo and enter the amount that you would like to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation) Thank you!

To donate by check:

– Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with my name and missionary number (249) in the memo line. 

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