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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bronke May 2023

“Choose this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15).

The Rafiki Village Ghana has completed our study of the Pentateuch (Imagine how cute that big word sounds coming from the mouths of little four-year-olds!). We have now read about the courageous faith of Rahab and Israel’s military success in Joshua. Our hearts have been challenged by Joshua’s words to the Israelites, telling them to choose whom they will serve. It is the greatest choice any of us will make. Please pray that all our students choose to serve the Lord, not tomorrow but “this day.”

I would like to share with you three teachers who have chosen to serve the Lord at Rafiki. They are courageous “Joshuas” who love God and love their students. I think you’ll agree that their lives testify to God’s faithfulness.

Frank teaches math, science, history, and Bible in fourth grade. He also teaches P.E. Sharp and joyful, Frank can often be seen challenging his students’ minds with an encouraging smile on his face. He is an intentional teacher, and I recently walked by as he integrated P.E. with a history review. As he asked true or false questions, students raced toward him when an answer was “true” and stayed put when an answer was “false.” Frank was trained in the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE), Rafiki’s teacher training program. His current fourth-grade students are the students with whom he did his very first teaching practicum. What a blessing to see God’s faithfulness and Frank’s continued love for his students!

Frank helping his fourth-grade students

Priscilla, our grade two teacher, also spent time studying in RICE. Like Frank, her training shows in her excellent teaching methods and classroom management. Her classroom is joyful, and her students hang on to her every word! It is evident they know she loves them, and they give her their very best each day, but they do not strive for her alone. If you entered her classroom, you would soon hear her ask, “Who do we write well for?” You would then hear a resounding, “For Jesus!” They do not know the Latin yet, but Priscilla is teaching them this Reformation principle: Soli Deo Gloria (for God’s glory alone). Our RICE Program has not been operational for a few years, and we continue to pray for progress in beginning it again .

Priscilla and her adorable class

The last teacher I will introduce was once a day student at the Rafiki School! After grade five, Angela continued her schooling at government schools, but she never forgot about Rafiki. When I asked her why she wanted to come back to the Village to teach, she told me, “I always missed Rafiki!” She is grateful for all that she is learning through the Rafiki Bible Study and that she has the privilege to share it with her first graders every day.

Angela (far left in back) and her first grade class

Please pray that our teachers would be encouraged as they call their students to choose to follow God. They may not see all the fruit of our labors, but they continue to pour into these young ones each day, knowing that He who calls us is faithful! Please also pray for the economic situation in Ghana and that He would continue to meet all our national staffs’ needs.

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  • Find my photo and enter the amount that you would like to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.) Thank you!

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  • Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with my name and missionary number (#249) in the memo line.

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