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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bronke Jun 2019

As many of you know, I had the privilege of going on two mission trips to Burkina Faso, Africa during my undergraduate studies. While teaching English and literature classes, I worked with bright, excited students and learned about the state of education in Africa. Students and teachers need more resources and support in order to elevate many African countries’ educational systems.

The summer after my second trip to Burkina, I was introduced to the Rafiki Foundation. It is a nonprofit missions organization dedicated to Training Africans to Transform Africa for Christ. The Rafiki Foundation is dedicated to raising Africans’ standard of living and giving Africans access to solid biblical teaching. Rafiki has Villages in ten countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. They raise and educate orphaned children, teaching them from a Classical Christian Education model. They also serve African widows by teaching them artisan skills, which they can use to support their families, and train African teachers in their three-year teachers colleges (Rafiki Institute of Classical Education, RICE). Everyone involved with Rafiki—from the young to the old—engages in the daily Bible study created for the African Villages: the Rafiki Bible Study. While the foundation is committed to excellent education and other programs, its chief goal is for people to know God.

It was with joy that I began volunteering at the Rafiki Home Office last summer in Central Florida. As I read stories about the children’s experiences learning and growing in Christ in the Rafiki Villages, my heart swelled. I learned about how they were being transformed by the renewal of their minds, as Paul commands in Romans 12:2. I also learned about the foundation’s commitment to sound Christian doctrine and the Word of God. As I reflected on my time teaching on the African continent and learned about the foundation’s heart, I began to pray about the prospect of becoming a Rafiki long-term missionary.

I am pleased and humbled that my application for long-term mission work has been accepted by the Rafiki Foundation! I will be working at the Home Office in Florida for a year as I raise support. My hope is to be on the mission field by the summer of 2020, and I plan to be in Africa for two years. My departure date depends on if my funds are adequately raised. I may serve as an assistant to the dean of a teachers college and be involved with teacher training at one of the ten Rafiki Villages.

During this year, I ask for your prayers and support. Please pray that the Lord will affirm my call to go on the mission field. Please also pray that I will raise the funds needed to spend two years on the field. It is my prayer that friends and family like you will be willing and able to support me financially and in earnest prayer. All donations are tax deductible.

If you are interested in learning more about the Rafiki Foundation, visit the website at I would also love to speak to you more about the Lord’s work through the Rafiki Foundation.

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