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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bronke July 2020

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all” (1 Chronicles 29:11).

Dear friends and family,

What a comfort the above verse is. In the midst of this pandemic, we can be reminded that the earth belongs to the Lord. There is nothing happening now that surprises or distresses Him, and His kingdom is unshakable. I am thankful for the security that comes with being His child.

I am also thankful that God’s kingdom is comprised of individuals from every nation, tribe, and tongue; and I am excited to share that the nation of Ghana will be my home for two years! I will be teaching English and literature and helping train teachers in the Rafiki School Ghana. I look forward to teaching works of literature that captivate my students and working with other teachers as we strive to teach our students well. I pray we all learn how to think and express ourselves well for the kingdom of God.

When I learned I was assigned to Ghana, I began doing a little research on the influential coastal country. Did you know that Ghana was the first sub-Saharan African country to gain its independence in 1957? It spurred the independence efforts of other nations across the African continent. Can you guess where the first Rafiki school opened? That’s right! It was in Ghana. Since the school opened in 2001, Rafiki has nearly finished writing the Rafiki PreK–12 curriculum, graduated numerous students, and taught the Word of God to hundreds of children in its ten schools across Africa.

The Rafiki Village Ghana has also seen many children advance to the next stage of their lives. Last year in Ghana, the Village celebrated its first students to graduate from university. One of those students is Abigail, who graduated with a degree in industrial chemistry. One of the few women in her program, she excelled in her work and earned a prize from the university. The Village also instituted an “Alumni Day” where former Rafiki students return to the Village, reconnect, and give advice to the younger students. They told the missionaries that their English skills and knowledge of the Bible have set them apart from their college classmates. I look forward to joining the Ghana team in training these young minds and learning a good deal myself.

Abigail when she first arrived at the Rafiki Village Ghana

Abigail in her graduation regalia

It is exciting to see the fruit of many years of hard work in Rafiki, but it is greater to witness God draw Rafiki students to Himself and use their skills and abilities for His kingdom. His is the greatness, power, glory, victory, and majesty, for everything on earth is His.

Please join me in praying for the following:

European and African countries to open up to international travel.

• My preparations for the day when I do have a plane ticket to Ghana.

• Strong relationships with my teammates, fellow teachers, and students.

• Missionaries on the field whose summer travel plans have been suspended.

• Greater dependence upon the Lord in every step along my journey.

To donate online:

• Go to

• Select “Support a Missionary” from the dropdown menu in the upper right.

• Find my photo and enter the amount that you would like to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.) Thank you!

To donate by check:

• Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with my name and missionary number (#249) in the memo line.

I am so pleased to share this wonderful news with you about my country assignment. If you would like to learn more about Ghana or what I’ll be doing, please feel free to contact me! As always, thank you. I would not be going to Ghana without you.

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