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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bronke Apr 2020

But [Jesus] said to them, ‘I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God...for I was sent for this purpose’ ” (Luke 4:43).

I pray that you and your family are healthy and well. The past few weeks have been filled with uncertainty for many around the world. In spite of all this, you continue to support me. Thank you. I greatly appreciate your continued prayer and support. I pray the Lord sustains you and your family as we turn our eyes towards Easter and rest in the eternal good news that Christ came to fulfill.

I am thankful for the work Rafiki continues to do. As a member of the Home Office, I am working from home, and we continue to have much work to do! One of my favorite tasks as an employee is editing sponsor reports. Reports come in from the field throughout the year about the Rafiki children’s spiritual, academic, and personal growth. I am happy to share a little good news with you today about the reports.

The Rafiki Village Tanzania is in the process of getting the the secondary (high) school registered by the government. However, until they do so, the Rafiki senior secondary students cannot attend school in the Rafiki Village. In compliance with the government, Rafiki is sending its senior secondary students to national schools for now. I was encouraged by the Tanzania students’ recent sponsor reports. Many of them are coming into contact with new ideas in public school. Some of the students are even being mocked by their peers because of their faith in the One True God; however, Rafiki teens are standing firm. Take Frank, in the tenth grade, for example: “[At his school,] many tell him there is no ‘Jesus,’ but Frank searched God’s Word in the Bible more. He is now sure that the Bible is the only truth. He is seeking God’s direction each day of his life and is confident that God will lead him on a good path.” The biblical truth Frank receives in the Rafiki Village is teaching him to take his doubts to the Lord, and it is strengthening his faith—even when it is tested at school.

Frank, from the Rafiki Village Tanzania, who is standing firm in his faith.

I thank God that I am a part of this work, and I cannot wait to meet the smiling faces of the Rafiki children I’ve grown familiar with in person when I enter the field in West Africa.

More good news: Rafiki has also had the opportunity to bless others locally during this pandemic. We recently donated our African-fabric scrub caps, handmade by the Women of Hope in Nigeria, to a local Florida hospital. Medical caps created by vulnerable women in Africa will now be worn by health professionals fighting the coronavirus. The Lord is opening up ways for His people to bless others. You can read about them at .

The Rafiki Widows Program scrub caps that were donated.

This is the work we are a part of. Thank you for partnering with me as I prepare to leave for Africa, and I hope you are encouraged by and feel confident in the work Rafiki continues to do. I am still preparing to leave this summer if and when travel is safe and borders are open. I ask that you pray for my preparations and that I make the most of this waiting period.

I cannot thank you enough for partnering with me. May the Lord bless you.

To donate online:

• Go to

• Select “Support a Missionary” from the dropdown menu in the upper right.

• Find my photo and enter the amount that you would like to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.) Thank you!

To donate by check:

• Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with my name and missionary number (#249) in the memo line.

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