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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Anica Pederson May 2023

When thinking about the last few months Psalm 65:8 comes to mind, “so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs. You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy.” Here are some examples of the glory and majesty of God here at the Rafiki Village Ghana.

The teachers and I are reading a biography of Mary Slessor. I have had multiple teachers come up to me and make comments like, “I can’t believe everything she went through. I wish more people knew about her and the sacrifices she made to serve God.” It is a joy to see the teachers connect with the stories of previous servants of our heavenly Father and grow in appreciation of good books.

Speaking of reading, we have implemented a reading contest with our students to help them foster a love of reading. Our third grade teacher mentioned that her students were so invested that even in the short breaks in-between lessons her children would try to sneak in a couple of pages! At the end of the term we were able to hand out books as prizes for our students who won, so that they could start their own home libraries. Please pray with me that these children will share their love of reading with their communities .

Our library helper Augustine

God recently opened the door for me to travel to Northern Ghana and meet with some widows. We have been praying about getting baskets from these women for years, so it is very exciting to be able to see that come to fruition. These women will be meeting together weekly to study the Matthew Rafiki Bible Study. They are also planning to invite women in the community to join them and use the Bible study as an evangelism tool. Please join me in thanking God for these women and pray that our relationship will be long and fruitful .

One of the groups we met with to look at baskets

We recently received a forty-foot-long container which included a tractor, a piano, and new books for our libraries! I am very thankful for all our donors who make shipments like this possible.

Unloading the container

Our resident children continue to thrive. The eighth graders have been given the responsibility of running Village games on Saturdays. They have taken turns choosing a game, gathering supplies, and then refereeing. I am glad to see them growing in responsibility and leadership. It is truly a gift to be able to wake up, study God’s Word, and see His plan carried out every day.

Weekend games

Saturday afternoon hair salon

Thank you for your prayers and support!

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