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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Anema Sep 2019

Dear family and friends,

I have an exciting opportunity coming up that I would like to share with you. The Rafiki Foundation has accepted me as a missionary to Africa. I will be serving in one of the Villages it has established in ten of the poorest countries there. Rafiki means friend in Swahili and Rafiki’s goal is to train Africans to be leaders of tomorrow by providing Bible study, education, teacher training, orphan care, and widows support.

Paul’s passing, almost two years ago, left a great void in my life, and I have done many things to help fill that. Many of those things were worthwhile and provided temporary fulfillment; but I feel God wants me to answer His call with a willingness to serve in Africa. When I went to Washington D.C. with my daughter and grand-daughter, the tour leader kept emphasizing “for such a time as this...” I believe God has given me good health and a nature that is not content to sit…..for such a time as this­—so that I can serve Him in Africa. Although leaving my kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and friends will be difficult, anticipating this new path gives me great excitement and peace that amaze and assure me this is what God wants me to do.

The two-week training at the Home Office in Eustis, Florida, which I just completed, helped me get a clearer picture of the vision and work of Rafiki. The plan at this time is for me to leave in January 2020 to serve in Zambia, Africa. I will be working in the RICE (Rafiki Institute for Classical Education) Program which is a teacher training program. It is exciting to think that God will be able to use my love for teaching in a way that will impact so many, in a country that needs Christian education and leaders so desperately. I have to smile as I think about that because Paul always said school was my happy place.

There are two ways you can join me on my mission. First of all, will you pray for me? Pray that the emptying of twenty-five years of accumulation in my house and preparations for going to Africa go smoothly.

Secondly, will you consider supporting me financially? I have been able to personally fund part of this mission, but I will need to raise an additional $1,200 per month to reach my goal and cover costs.

Rafiki has made signing up for a monthly gift (or a one-time gift) very easy, and it won’t take much of your time. If you feel led to contribute financially, please visit my missionary page at (you’ll see my picture)…and sign up.

Many of you have already expressed words of encouragement, promised prayer support, and have asked about financial support; this has been very encouraging. Thank You!

In His service,

Doris Anema