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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Anema October 2020

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The serenity prayer in its shortened form has been a favorite of mine for many years, but during this time in Zambia, especially during COVID restrictions, I have realized to a greater degree that God is in control and unless I recognize and embrace that fact, His peace will not be part of my life. Since March we had a period of no classes at all, then one ten-week-long term with only graduating or examination classes in session. Beginning the week of September 21, all classes were back in session.

Monday morning was thrilling as the RICE building came alive with almost all of the students back. Morning Bible study begins with singing, and to hear those beautiful voices lifted up and filling the room with praise filled my heart to overflowing and brought tears of joy. God was gracious and all but two students have been able to return. Although there is no tuition, and books and supplies are provided, the students are responsible for their living arrangements and costs, which for most of them is a great challenge. One student may still return soon, but the other plans to join another cohort and continue in January.

As you also have experienced, COVID required adjustments to the way things are done, and we have made, and continue to make, adjustments. With many prayers and the input of our Home Office in Florida, we have been able to restart in a fairly smooth manner. I found God stretching and shaping me in ways I could not have anticipated. This reminds me of a needlepoint I started when my first baby was born which says “God isn’t finished with me yet!” That project is still not finished and I am seeing God is still working on me.

During the time with no students on campus, I was able to get a clearer picture of the challenges facing those who are in charge of Village life. Being able to get to know the permanent residents and national workers much better and interacting with them has benefits that I enjoy every day. One of the tasks I was able to get involved with was updating student files in the office. It was fascinating to see the progression from the time many came, which was 10-plus years ago for most of them, until now. We now have a Village with many teenagers and experience the challenges as well as the joys teenage years often bring. Another project I worked on was organizing the primary library and supervising library time for the various ages. Each week I read to the younger children and talked with them about the story and life lessons. Providing clothing for growing children through the various seasons is a monumental, never ending task. The day Irene, the Village Administrator, and I went to the market, our primary focus was shoes—although we had a long list of other items as well. We would walk into a shoe stall or shop and just start picking out shoes from large boxes in the size ranges we needed. We came home with bags of shoes—at least 70 to 100 pair. Although not what I planned, I certainly understand life in Zambia better.

The ten-week-long term allowed me to get to know the thirteen students we had much better. During this time I became aware of some of the cultural traditions and beliefs that influence their Christian living. A couple of them live in villages where the village chief, and belief in witchcraft, seem to wield much power even over Christians.

Please continue to pray for the students and their needs and especially for the deepening of their faith.

Zambia is currently entering our hot dry season. Even now, Zambia is very dry and barren looking, but at the same time beauty abounds. Last month I was also able to fly to Livingstone and see the awesome Victoria Falls and experience first-hand some of the legendary African wildlife. What a blessing to be able to that with all that is happening.

Thank you for your prayers and support that allow me to be involved in this awesome work in a country that has great need. What a blessing to see God’s Word at Work and know nothing will thwart it!

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