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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Aluvisia January 2021

Happy New Year to you! I pray that this year will be another year full of experiencing God’s mercy and grace as we continue our pilgrimage on earth. When I was planning my January newsletter, I had a very different idea in mind than what I have to relay to you now. December was full of fun activities with the children and planning for the new year. Eric began working at the Village regularly and getting acquainted with daily routines. It was a fun and enjoyable time.

Christmas art project at Rafiki Village Kenya

My New Year’s announcement was that Eric and I are expecting our first child in May. We are very excited. Unfortunately, during the 20-week ultrasound, we found that the baby had many health issues that could not be treated in Kenya. The doctors told us that our baby would not survive. Due to this prognosis, Eric and I decided that I should travel to the U.S. in order to seek treatment for the baby. On Christmas day, I traveled to the U.S. Eric was unable to travel with me because he is still in need of a visa.

At the airport on my trip back to the U.S.

The Lord was gracious and enabled me to get an appointment at Johns Hopkins the Monday after my arrival even with it being a busy, overbooked time for the hospital. The doctors have been amazing and willing to work with me. I still cannot believe all that the Lord has done to provide during this time, but He has strengthened the baby and me to be able to undergo multiple procedures and examinations. If all goes well, the doctors are hopeful that the baby will have a chance. Please continue to pray with me and Eric that God would be pleased to spare our child, that our baby would grow to know the Lord, and that he would be the Lord’s servant fully devoted to the work of the gospel.

Eric is still in Kenya carrying on the work as I continue being monitored in the U.S. He has taken on my role overseeing music in addition to his roles as physics teacher, Bible study leader for grade nine, and overseeing the Rafiki Village grounds with his landscape architecture experience.

December bookclub with church friends

It is difficult being apart, but we thank God for technology and the Lord continues to strengthen us each day. Please pray for us that we will be able to keep up the good work and persevere during this difficult time. It is a great comfort and encouragement to know that so many people around the world are praying with us. We could not continue without your support and it means much more than you can ever know.

May God continue to bless and keep you!

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