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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder September 2022

“I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship” (Exodus 31:3)

In a recent Rafiki Bible Study lesson in Exodus, we met two special men (Bezalel and Oholiab) about whom God spoke verse 31:3. We discussed how God still fills individuals with His Spirit today and with ability, intelligence, knowledge, and craftsmanship.

Two examples of this are below. These are photos of the beautiful work done on our Senior Secondary School walls by Rafiki Village graduates who used their recent university holiday break to come and share their ability and craftsmanship.

Soon after this, our Rafiki Village maintenance workers used their abilities and craftsmanship to repaint all the rooms in the primary school. We are blessed to have workers who are so talented. The students were awed by the beauty of their classrooms when they returned this month.

Rafiki Village maintenance at work

Our teachers certainly are filled with knowledge, intelligence, ability, and craftsmanship. This is evident from Early Childhood (EC) classes to Senior Secondary. One example is the EC 3 (kindergarten) class which celebrated 100 Days of School by counting 100 candies, pieces of popcorn, raisins, peanuts, and balloons while wearing their special crowns.

The big day

An example from the opposite side of the school campus is seen to the right: one of our grade 12 students participated in a district-level science fair and did so well he progressed to the provincial level where he placed third in the Lusaka Province. This was the first time our school had participated in the science fairs, and we are thrilled with his success and grateful for the teachers who made it possible.

Grade 12 student on the left with teacher and fellow student at Lusaka Provincial Science Fair

A very important group of men who are like Bezalel and Oholiab in our Village are the cooks. During school terms, they prepare breakfast and lunch for over 350 people along with dinner and weekend meals for the resident children and Rafiki Mothers. This takes lots of abilities, knowledge, and intelligence.

One of the cooks preparing for the evening meal. The pots for lunch are much bigger!

A final example of people who are like Bezalel and Oholiab are short-term missionaries. We were recently visited by two short-term missionaries, Bill Wood and Kathy Johnson, who came to help orient twelve new teachers to our classical Christian school. They generously and graciously helped the new teachers transition to this unique form of education and affirmed for the remaining teachers the value and privilege of teaching in this way. A highlight of this time was the fun activity they planned for the Rafiki Mothers and all the school staff (shown below).

These are only samplings of the ways God has blessed our school with individuals He has filled with His Spirit and with ability, intelligence, knowledge, and craftsmanship.

What special abilities and knowledge have you been blessed with? Sewing? Painting? Teaching? Playing sports? Gardening? Praying? The list could go on and on. Your unique abilities and knowledge would be greatly used at the Rafiki Village. Please consider how you might bless others with the gifts God has blessed you with. Please pray for many to share their talents and share what God has given them.

Fun for all

I end this letter as I always do: with deep gratitude for all you share with me—your financial gifts, your prayers, your encouragement. Thank you so much!

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

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