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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder October 2022

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23).

Work is a blessing and a privilege. It is important not just to earn a living but to develop important virtues like diligence, fortitude, and gratitude, and to develop one’s God-given talents and gifts.

Children in Rafiki Schools begin to learn about the blessing of work at an early age. For example, the Early Childhood 1 (EC1) children learn about the work done by the maintenance crew and groundskeepers. This helps them appreciate the school and the people who work so hard to keep it nice.

EC1 children learning about the work of the tractor

As children get older, they take on more of the work of keeping the school and grounds nice. Students are assigned specific jobs that not only clean the school and grounds, it teaches them responsibility.

Primary student keeping the school clean

Older students visit training schools, colleges, and universities to learn about their future work opportunities. These visits range from trade schools (to learn about things like solar heating and construction) to medical schools.

High school students learning about careers in solar heating

No discussion of hard-working individuals would be complete without mentioning our hard-working teachers. From EC1 to senior secondary, our school is blessed to have men and women committed to loving God and teaching with excellence and integrity. We are very grateful for them all.

Rafiki teachers celebrating at the district World Teacher Day celebration this October

The tag line for the Rafiki Foundation is God’s Word at Work. And His Word is working. I see it every day in our Bible lessons as teachers use Scripture to counsel students and incorporate a biblical worldview into the subjects they teach.

You can support God’s Word at Work in many ways. For example, purchase some of the beautiful hand-made items from the Rafiki Exchange that the widows have made. This both beautifies your home and provides income for the widows. Or sponsor one of many, many day students whose families need financial support to continue to receive this outstanding education. Or you share your work experience—teaching, gardening, painting, cooking, etc.—with us at a Rafiki Village. You can learn more about all these opportunities at

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children . Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

I know that my part in this work would never be possible without your support. I am deeply grateful for your prayers, giving, and encouragement. It is never work for me. I daily thank God for you.

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