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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder Jun 2019

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways (1 Corinthians 13:11).

Greetings from Rafiki Village Zambia!

It’s a blessing to see how the children and students of Rafiki Villages are giving up some childish ways. Sometimes this is seen in the classroom as they read and discuss literature like Merchant of Venice or balance chemical equations. And sometimes we see it in other areas of their lives.

When the first children moved to the Rafiki Village Zambia eleven years ago they were preschoolers.

The early days

Their first Christmas, the girls’ cottages received toy-sized stoves and refrigerators with dishes and play food, and the boys’ cottages received Tonka trucks. Now these children are in secondary schools and they have donated their little-kid toys to the younger residents and to the preschool classes.

Eleven years later… on the way to preschool to donate

Now, they have traded their play stoves for the real thing. Now that they have grown up, they have the responsibility for cooking all the meals on the weekends, as well as doing all the laundry.

Same girls, now making Sunday morning breakfast for all the others

Of course, we do not want the children to mature only in school or work-related activities. Our primary concern is their spiritual maturity. Some of the children attend church weekly in the nearby township of Chongwe, but most of them attend with their Rafiki Mothers to our partner church which is next to the Village. It is there that they go through confirmation class and are baptized if confirmed. Will you please join us in praying that God will call each child to saving faith in Himself?

Baptism following confirmation

Twice weekly, the Rafiki Mothers lead the children in choir practice in preparation for the Sunday services and occasionally our oldest secondary children preach at that church. As the children become young adults we see more and more how they are an integral part of the prayer requests of Rafiki. Will you join in praying for these specific requests: God will call ten percent of Rafiki’s young men to become pastors, and that our partner denominations will grow in prayerfulness and stay true to the gospel?

While there are many changes as the children grow up, some things do not change. Things like their family relationships, their love for each other, and their gratitude for those who support them in prayer and financially. Would you pray about supporting one of the children at a Rafiki Village? You can find out more information at

And finally, another thing that has not changed—my deep gratitude for your support, prayers, and encouragement. Thank you!

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