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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Alinder December 2020

‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope’” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Greetings from Rafiki Village Zambia!

The verse above is a favorite of many people, but I think it is especially dear to high school seniors, and maybe more so when you are the first of your family to graduate and head off to college or university.

That is the situation now in our Rafiki Village. Our first group of grade 12 students (pictured above with their class teacher) will complete their exams this year on December 30, and most will be in a university gap-year program before January ends.

In this newsletter I would like to share with you a bit about this class of fifteen pioneers (their description) and give you a bit of insight into their lives by highlighting three of them.

The class includes eleven resident students who have lived here since they were five years or younger, three day scholarship students who have been at our school since first grade, and one who transferred in grade 11 when his mother died and he moved to live with his uncle in this rural area. The class has distinguished itself as being diligent, friendly, rarely in trouble, and fun to be with. They have persevered through many cases of teacher turnover and a few times of headmaster turnover. Throughout it all, they have continued in their studies and enjoyed art, music, and P.E., especially football (soccer).

Grade 12 students helping one another fill their college applications

Let me tell you about three of them. The first is a day student who plans to attend African Christian University (ACU) next year and study to reach his goal of becoming an accountant. He is the third child in a family that now includes his infant nephew and a young cousin whom his mother is taking care of. He is an avid footballer (soccer player) and, when not studying or at the football pitch, will be found at his family’s farm where he is instrumental in cultivating the crops on which the family depends.

Please pray that the day student scholarship program will grow tremendously so more students like this one can attend our schools. If you are interested in assisting a student to participate in the life-changing education Rafiki Schools offer, please check out for more information.

The second student I would like to introduce you to is a young woman who also aspires to be an accountant. She came to live at the Rafiki Village, along with her younger brother, when she was four years old. The words most often used to describe her are dependable, kind, diligent, and reliable. She is the kind of student all teachers want in their classes and the type of employee all employers would like to have. She also will attend ACU next year.

Please pray that all students develop the virtues that this one excels at. Please pray also for “girl students” like her to succeed in academic areas—something not common in too many places here.

Finally, meet our school Head Boy. He came to live at this Rafiki Village when he was five years old, along with his two younger brothers. In addition to being the school Head Boy, he is a frequent preacher at church, an excellent footballer and coach, and is at the top of his class academically. He has vacillated between wanting to be a math professor, a preacher, or a doctor. He has decided on medicine as his future career, with the aim to help people in Zambia. He, along with the rest of his class, will be greatly missed at school by all teachers and fellow students when he goes to ACU next year.

Please pray that all students develop into godly contributors to their countries in whatever career God calls them.

Naturally the students are full of questions: What degree should I pursue? Will I be successful in budgeting my time and money when I am on my own? Who will be my new friends? Of course we will continue to support them as they make this transition into adulthood. Of all the ways we will do this, the most important is helping them grow in their faith as they await God fulfilling His plans for them.

Thank you all for your continued support to these and all other Rafiki students. And thank you for your continued support for me through prayer, financial support, and encouragement.

May God richly bless you as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour.

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