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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Rwanda Sports Court

$95,000 Project Goal
$600 Amount Raised
0% 100%
$94,400 Still Needed

Rwanda Sports Court

Location: Rwanda

Five a.m. at the Rwanda Rafiki Village, where we are awakened by the weaver birds and ibis having a lively conversation. But beneath the twitter is a thud, thud, thud, of a basketball pounding down the sidewalk on the way to the court for an early morning workout. Rafiki raises students with a passion to learn, a passion for Christ, and a passion for sports. Some of our villages excel in tennis, track, or football, but here we are the Eagles and our game is Basketball.

The problem we have is the rainy season; then we become the Rafiki Ducks. Games are scheduled and rained out, morning assembly is crammed in the dining hall, and no PE classes take place. For recitation, Celebration of Arts and graduation, we rent a tent and chairs to host the families of our 422 students.  Without the RICE great hall, we are without a general meeting area. We are praying for a covered assembly pad, where we can host our games, students and their families for all the activities that occur on our campus. Many of you have watched our children grow up here, and some of you have attended games and appreciated the commitment our students have made to represent our school well in the upcoming district tournament. Would you pray about making an investment that would bless so many families in Rwanda? Let’s help them fly like eagles instead of flapping like ducks!

Rwanda Sports Court