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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Rachel and Eric Aluvisia

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Rachel and Eric Aluvisia

Serving In: Rwanda
External ID: 238

Eric and Rachel Aluvisia serve together at Rafiki Village Kenya.

Rachel began serving at the Village in Kenya in 2018 as Music Coordinator after finishing a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) with a concentration in Music from Christopher Newport University. She had previously completed a Bachelor of Music degree from the same institution. Rachel oversees the school's music program, facilitates classes, teaches music in the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE), as well as teaching instrumental classes and secondary school music. She enjoys the students’ eagerness for music, watching them grow, and working toward the growth and expansion of the program.

Eric began volunteering at the Rafiki Village Kenya in 2015 soon after he completed his Bachelors Degree in Landscape Architecture from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). He assisted in designing gardens and selecting plants for the Village as well as training children at the Rafiki Village through projects. He now works at Rafiki teaching Physics, music lessons, and assisting with the Rafiki Graduates Program.

Eric and Rachel met at Trinity Baptist Church Nairobi in 2018 and were married in 2020. They are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve and minister to the students placed in their care. They hope to continue in their ministry as the Lord continues to strengthen and lead them.

From: Port Tobacco MD
Mailing Address: PB 6856 Kigali, Rwanda
Rachel and Eric Aluvisia