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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Michelle and David Graves

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Michelle and David Graves

Serving In: Uganda

In 2019, David and Michelle Graves served as short-term missionaries with the Rafiki Foundation for a month at the Kenya Village. After returning to the US, they realized that God was calling them to continue helping Rafiki with its work in Africa.

David grew up attending a classical Christian school, and he returned to that school as an adult to work in communications. He built a journalism program at the school and also taught classes. Michelle has a degree in classical studies and has been a teacher in classical Christian education for over 25 years. She has seen how classical learning has benefited her own personal walk with the Lord, and she appreciates the biblical worldview integration in Rafiki’s classical curriculum.

Michelle first heard about Rafiki a long time ago through Bible Study Fellowship, but only later did she hear about Rafiki’s classical schools through a “job” posting on the internet. When Michelle inquired about working for Rafiki at one of their schools, she came to understand that what she believed to be a job was actually missions work and that Rafiki wanted David’s help as well! They are humbled and excited by God’s call for them to use their decades of experience in classical education to serve as long-term missionaries with the Rafiki Foundation.

In July 2021, the Graves began serving at the Rafiki Village Uganda. David serves as the Village Administrator. Michelle is the Dean of the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) teachers college and is working on completing the accreditation process for the college. 

Michelle and David Graves