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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

May Nealey

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May Nealey

Serving In: Malawi
External ID: 259

May learned about the Rafiki Foundation from a teacher at a classical Christian school where she worked part-time. She contacted Rafiki in 2021 and attended a seminar in May of 2022. Here she learned of the opportunity to become a long-term missionary on the continent of Africa and was enthralled! She was commissioned as a long-term missionary in December of 2022.

After a short stint in Liberia for some on-the-job training, May arrived at the Rafiki Village in Mzuzu, Malawi in March 2024. Upon her arrival, she was ensconced in her new position as Child Care Administrator. In addition, she is also receiving training in human resource management. May is busy getting to know the residents and the national workers in the Village. She loves living in the mountains after spending most of her time in the flatland of Houston, Texas. She is learning to navigate the city of Mzuzu and is busy acclimating herself to the surrounding culture.

After graduating from high school in 1971, May enlisted in the U.S. Army, where she served for over three years. She was honorably discharged and began work at the Veterans Administration while attending the University of Houston. She earned her Bachelor of Science in education with a minor in psychology in 1979. She began her 30-year career of teaching in various positions in the Houston Independent School District in 1988. She was certified as an English as a Second Language teacher in 1991 by the University of Saint Thomas and as a Master Teacher and Reading Specialist in 2003 by the University of Houston. She also received a Master of Education in curriculum and instruction from the University of Houston in 2003.

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish the course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24)

Prayer Topics: 

MONDAY: I grow spiritually in God’s grace, peace, and mercy, inspiring others who see me to desire spiritual growth as well. 

TUESDAY: That I trust the Lord to give me wisdom and courage to manage the ministry he has given me. 

WEDNESDAY: That I grant others the same grace that the Lord has granted to me. 

THURSDAY: That I immerse myself in my new culture and learn to love and respect it as I do my own. 

FRIDAY: That I trust the Lord to take care of me and supply all my needs as I wait patiently on his good timing.

May Nealey