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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Lisa and Del Kropf

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Lisa and Del Kropf

Lisa and Del Kropf attended a short-term mission training at the Rafiki Home Office in Florida in the fall of 2019. At that time, the couple had already been praying about the next stage of their life. As they prayerfully considered their next steps, they were introduced to the Rafiki Foundation and felt led to seek more information about both short-term and long-term service with Rafiki. 

On September 18, 2019, Lisa and Del traveled to the Rafiki Village Kenya for a three-week short-term "mini-mission" trip. While they were there, God confirmed the couple’s call to serve as long-term Rafiki Missionaries.

In January 2021, Lisa and Del began serving in the Rafiki Village Kenya for a two year term. In April 2022 they had to return home because of Del’s health concerns. In July 2022, they relocated to Eustis, Florida and began serving at the Rafiki Home Office. They are thankful to those who have partnered with them in support and are excited about the opportunity to continue serving the Lord with Rafiki.

Lisa and Del Kropf