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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kiley Bronke

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Kiley Bronke

Serving In: Ghana

Kiley Bronke first felt called to the continent of Africa after going on two short-term mission trips to Burkina Faso, Africa as a university student. As an English major, she enjoyed teaching English and literature classes in African classrooms. She did not know the details of how it may happen, but she wished to continue serving in Africa if the Lord willed it.

She spent the summer before her senior year of college in Central Florida where she learned about and began volunteering daily at the Rafiki Foundation. While volunteering, Kiley learned about Rafiki’s commitment to giving African students a robust liberal arts education and access to daily Bible study. Her passion for the great classic works of literature and for sound biblical doctrine aligned well with the foundation’s mission. She felt as if the Lord, in his great sovereignty, had placed the Rafiki Foundation before her in his perfect timing.

After graduating, Kiley worked at the Home Office while she raised support. Now, she is excited to be serving at the Rafiki Village Ghana as academic coordinator of the junior and senior high schools. She teaches language arts at the senior high school and assists other language arts teachers in their classrooms.

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29, ESV). 

Kiley Bronke