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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Gwen and John Cicone

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Gwen and John Cicone

Serving In: Tanzania
External ID: 257

John and Gwen learned about the Rafiki Foundation from a friend who went on a short-term mission trip to Liberia. In September of 2020, they contacted Rafiki and began exploring the possibility of becoming missionaries in Africa. In March of the following year, they committed to serving with Rafiki with a goal of going to the field in August 2022.

Gwen, with a B.F.A. in Painting and an M.A. in Teaching, began her teaching career in public schools in Virginia and Baltimore. In 1998, Gwen started work at Redeemer Classical Christian school where she developed the art curriculum for the entire K-12 program. She now shares her experience as a mother, educator, and artist in her varied roles at the Rafiki Village Tanzania. Currently, she serves as Childcare Administrator, the Dean of Art and Music for the RICE program, and the liaison for the Widows Exchange program.

John has a B.S. in Civil Engineering and an M.Ed. in Education Leadership. After working in the environmental and telecommunications industries for ten years, he began his education career in 2001 at Redeemer Classical Christian school teaching math and physics to grades 7-12. He currently serves at the Rafiki Village as Head Administrator for the Secondary school. He also works closely with the national staff on maintenance of the Rafiki Village and with the IT department.

“I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.”
Ecclesiastes 3:14 (ESV)

Prayer Topics:

MONDAY: Thank God for the opportunity to serve him.

TUESDAY: Spiritual growth of the students and national staff.

WEDNESDAY: Unity among the missionaries.

THURSDAY: God’s provision for the physical needs of the Village.

FRIDAY: Wisdom to manage the many challenges of each day.

Gwen and John Cicone