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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bryan and Alexis McDaniel

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Bryan and Alexis McDaniel

Serving In: Malawi
External ID: 260

Bryan and Alexis came to know Rafiki through their church, where a number of Rafiki Home Office staff are members. After many years of hearing about Rafiki and driving past the Home Office gates multiple times a week and praying through their feeling of a call to the mission field for several months, they decided to take a tour of the campus in March of 2023 to learn how their family could get involved. After the tour, Bryan came to work at the Home Office full-time, where he serves as the Logistics Manager. The McDaniels have continued praying about going on the mission field throughout Bryan’s time at the Home Office and have committed to going on the field with the goal of serving in Malawi by October 2024 after finalizing the adoption of their third child, Jonathan Josiah McDaniel.

Alexis grew up in a Christian home and has worked for her family’s construction company since she was 7 years old, completing two associate degrees in construction and construction management along with several professional certificates. She currently homeschools Elijah, Alaethia, and Jonathan, and continues to work for her parents’ construction company as she and Bryan prepare for their move to Malawi. Alexis plans to work as the Orphan Care Administrator in the Malawi Village, helping the Mothers to guide their Rafiki children well and faithfully study the Word of God with them through their nightly Rafiki Bible Study time.

Bryan grew up with several missionary families around and his family moved to Florida to serve in support roles with a missions agency, making missionary service a familiar reality for him as a child. He plans to complete his Bachelor of Supply Chain and Operations Management while serving as the Africa Outreach Manager in Malawi, supporting Outreach schools and church partners by providing Rafiki’s classical Christian curriculum, teacher training, Rafiki Bible Studies, study Bibles, and proper training on the use of those resources. He will also work alongside the Village Administrator and national staff to apply his experience in logistics and facilities maintenance to oversee maintenance and improvement projects throughout the Rafiki Village in Mzuzu.

Bryan and Alexis McDaniel