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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ethiopia
Child ID: CJ053
Zelalem and her twin brother, Malesse, were orphaned when they were only a year old. Their mother became pregnant while working at a hotel, and their father was never a part of their lives. When their mother died, a cousin and his mother cared for the twins. Because of poor health, they could no longer provide for the children, and the situation became desperate. The Women and Children’s Agency in Mojo, Ethiopia contacted Rafiki. Zelalem and her brother arrived at the Village in 2015. Zelalem now enjoys studying the Bible. Her favorite Bible verse is Romans 9:20–21 and her favorite hymn is "Nothing but the Blood" because it teaches her about how God forgives her sin. 
DOB: Feb 8, 2010