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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH014
Witness lived most of her early life in an orphanage. Her mother died two weeks after she was born, and her father remains unknown. She arrived at the Rafiki Village Tanzania in 2009 and soon benefited from the quality care, nutritious food, and loving environment at the Village. Witness soon proved to be a positive, sweet young woman. Witness works very hard at school; she is diligent and has a good attitude. She is also an incredible athlete and a great tennis player. She thanks God for His help in her school work. Witness strives to do what is right to please her mother and teachers, but she also wishes to please God with her life. She is thankful to be at the Rafiki Village Tanzania where she has patient teachers, loving siblings, and access to the Word of God. 
DOB: Jun 22, 2007