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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH057
Sindani and her two older sisters were cared for by their elderly grandmother after the death of their parents. They are from the Maasai tribe, and they lived deep in the bush. Their uncle contacted Rafiki for help, and Sindani and her sisters arrived at the Rafiki Village Tanzania in 2014. Sindani is now a sweet young woman with a good attitude towards learning. She works diligently and excels in school. Sindani is continually thankful to be at the Rafiki Village where her needs are met and she has the opportunity to study God's Word. She continues to grow daily in her love for Christ, and she knows that He loves her because He died for her. She seeks to glorify Him with her life.
DOB: Jan 20, 2012