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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Nigeria
Child ID: CC092

Both of Simon’s parents were farmers who passed away from unknown causes. He and his older siblings lived with together in one room, but his siblings could not properly care for him. Social welfare recommended that Simon be placed at the Rafiki Village Nigeria, and he arrived in 2006. Simon quickly thrived at his new home. He enjoys studying in school but especially enjoys studying God’s Word. Simon is fascinated by God’s omnipresence. It comforts him to know that God is always with him and will protect him. Simon is encouraged by Matthew 28:18-20 because he knows that God’s Word is spreading throughout the nations. He seeks to follow the Great Commission himself by teaching those he meets about the Lord Jesus. After he finishes his schooling, Simon hopes to become active in politics. He believes God is guiding him to this because of Nigeria’s need for godly leaders. Simon seeks to live an upright and righteous life and he prays that his faith will remain strong when he becomes independent.

DOB: Aug 7, 2002