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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH022
Rebecca's father died of an illness in 2003, and her mother then died in 2009. Rebecca arrived at the Rafiki Village Tanzania a year later and benefited from the quality care, nutritious food, and loving environment at the Village. She soon proved to be an excellent student who is diligent in her school work. Rebecca's goal is to become an engineer in the future. She is respectful and kind at home and at school. Rebecca knows Jesus as her Savior and is thankful that, because of His grace, she can look forward to eternal life. She says that when she feels lonely, afraid, or sad, she pours out her heart to the Lord in prayer and He comforts her. Rebecca seeks to please God in all that she does. 
DOB: Jul 5, 2004