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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF007
After her parents died in 2004, Purity was placed in the care of her aunt and uncle. Her aunt and uncle had seven living in their home, including a new baby, and were unable to care for her. Purity arrived at the Rafiki Village Zambia in 2007. Purity enjoys civics class and sports, and she works diligently in every subject. Purity knows that God has given her a new heart, saved her, and made her His child. When Purity goes to God in prayer, she is assured that He will answer in the right time and in the way that is best. Purity says that God wants her to lead people by her godly example and do good to those who hate her.
DOB: Mar 18, 2003