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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB090
Olivia and her twin sister, Gloria, were placed in the care of their uncle after their father died. The girls' uncle had sixteen children of his own and three other orphaned children to care for. Because he was unable to care for the twins properly, he applied to social services for help and Rafiki was contacted. Olivia and her sister arrived at the Village in 2008. Olivia's favorite subjects are math and science because they are practical subjects. Whenever she solves algebraic expressions, she is intrigued by God's logic and orderliness. When Olivia relaxes from her studies, she likes to do so by drawing and painting. Olivia seeks to love others as God has loved her, and she prays to be full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 
DOB: Oct 4, 2003