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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH007

After the death of her mother and father, Neema lived with her elderly grandmother and adult sister. They could not provide for Neema's basic needs, so she was moved to the Rafiki Village Tanzania in 2008. She adjusted quickly to her new home and especially loved participating in cottage devotions. Neema is a pleasant young lady who lends a hand to those in need and comforts those in distress. She enjoys helping mothers with their young children and sings sweetly as she does so. She is attentive in class, works diligently on her schoolwork, and enjoys a good book. Neema is a quiet and gentle leader in her class and at home. Neema prays that she will learn to be kind as her Savior is kind and that she will faithfully show God’s love to those around her.

DOB: Jul 30, 2004