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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF069
Namukolo and his brother, Clifford, lived with his parents in a small rural village before their mother died in 2010. The father abandoned them and later died as well. The boys then lived with their aunt for a time. However, her husband did not accept them, and they were being neglected. Namukolo and his brother arrived at the Rafiki Village Zambia in October 2013. Namukolo enjoys school and learning. In his free time, he likes to play football (American soccer) and baseball with his friends. Namukolo believes that Jesus is the Son of God, the Bible is the Word of God, and the Bible is the story of Jesus. He knows that God has given him a new heart, saved him, and made him His child. Namukolo knows because he has changed in many things, and he loves Jesus Christ as his Savior.
DOB: Oct 10, 2006