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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF020
Mirriam’s father died in 2003, and her mother died two years later. Mirriam was then placed in the care of an aunt. Her aunt was also caring for four other children in her home. Struggling to care for Mirriam as well, her aunt asked for help. Mirriam arrived at the Rafiki Village Zambia in 2008. She soon benefited from the quality care, nutritious food, and loving family environment in the Village. Mirriam's faith is growing rich and deep. She is able to consider a passage in the Bible, look at a commentary, and teach others the truths found there. She spends time alone reading God's word and praying. Mirriam enjoys singing and is a part of the choir. Mirriam is a top student whose favorite subjects are language arts and math. She is an excellent role model for other students, and she has become a leader due to her academic excellence and leadership qualities.
DOB: May 22, 2002