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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ghana
Child ID: CA062

Mathias’s mother died a year after his father died and Mathias and his brother were given to an uncle for care. Their uncle was a farmer who barely made enough to provide food for his own family. Social welfare services recommended the boys be placed at Rafiki. Mathias and his brother arrived at the Rafiki Village Ghana in 2008. Mathias loves to play soccer and is a fierce competitor. He enjoys art and hopes to become a graphic designer and a cartoonist once he finishes his schooling. As he looks back over the past few years, Mathias sees that God has faithfully grown him in maturity and knowledge and has given him insight into Scripture. Mathias prays that his family will know God and that he will continue to grow spiritually.

DOB: Nov 1, 2005