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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Liberia
Child ID: CG006
After being abandoned by their mother, Kebah and her brother Michael were removed from their abusive caretaker. The whereabouts of their father remain unknown, and no one is sure if the siblings have the same father. Kebah and her brother arrived at the Rafiki Village Liberia in 2007. They soon benefited from the quality care, nutritious food, and loving environment at the Village. Kebah enjoys every academic subject because she has engaging teachers. She hopes to be a teacher when she grows up because she wants to help her community. She knows that Jesus loves her because He made a way for her to come to the Father and to Rafiki. She marvels at John 1:1 and the fact that God created the world with His Word.
DOB: May 23, 2003