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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB102
Gideon's parents were killed in 2010 when mudslides buried their village and the families living there. Gideon his twin brother Joshua, and older sister Mercy, survived. After an investigation by a social welfare officer, it was agreed that the siblings should be moved to the Rafiki Village Uganda in 2010. They soon began to thrive in their new environment with nutritious food, a bed of their own, and the opportunity to attend school. Gideon’s favorite subject is science because he learns much about God’s beautiful creation. He enjoys playing soccer with his friends, and his favorite Rafiki tradition is studying God’s Word as a group. Gideon prays that God will continue to help him grow spiritually and that he will be constant in prayer.
DOB: Aug 12, 2007