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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ethiopia
Child ID: CJ030
Gadissa, along with his sister Feyise, were orphaned in 2008 and placed in the care of an impoverished aunt. Their nutrition and health were both poor. Social Welfare verified that the children were orphans in desperate need of help. Gadissa and Feyise arrived at the Rafiki Village Ethiopia in March 2011. They now enjoy a hope and a future! Gadissa's favorite subject is science, and he enjoys books about history and adventure. Gadissa likes to preach the gospel to others. He is a kind young man who asks many questions about the Scriptures. He likes praying and hopes to be a pastor one day. Gadissa's favorite Scripture verses are Romans 8:31 and Acts 9:15 because they encourage him to become a pastor. 
DOB: May 7, 2005