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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ethiopia
Child ID: CJ015
Fortuna and her brother, Surafel, were left in their uncle's care after their mother and father died. Their uncle struggled to care for the children, and he asked the Rafiki Foundation for help. Fortuna and Surafel arrived at the Rafiki Village Ethiopia in 2010. They happily began to adjust to their new environment and their Rafiki family. Fortuna enjoys studying the Bible and having devotion time. Her favorite hymn is "Trust and Obey" because it tells her that God can be trusted. Fortuna's favorite Bible passage is 1 Samuel 15:1–16:13 because it teaches her that God looks at a person's heart rather than one's outward appearance.
DOB: Dec 4, 2008